#: locale=ru ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Venice Tour ## Skin ### Button Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762.label = INFO Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762_mobile.label = INFO Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7.label = GET YOUR OWN GUIDE Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7_mobile.label = Chat NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3_mobile.label = BOOK NOW Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD.label = LOCATION Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD_mobile.label = LOCATION Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5.label = ARTS Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5_mobile.label = PHOTOS Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD.label = MEDIA Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD_mobile.label = PANORAMAS Button_1FE4B611_0C0A_256F_418E_EA27E66F8360.label = HOT POINTS Button_1FE4B611_0C0A_256F_418E_EA27E66F8360_mobile.label = PLAN Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259.label = AI CONTACT Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259_mobile.label = CONTACT ### Multiline Text HTMLText_04FFBC2C_1216_7593_41A4_E1B06B145F04.html =
- Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality is a technology that simulates a three-dimensional environment, usually for entertainment or educational purposes. It provides an immersive experience for users who can interact with the virtual environment through specialized headsets and controllers. VR technology is often used in gaming, training simulations, and therapy.

- Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality is a technology that overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing a user's experience of their environment. AR technology is often used in mobile apps that recognize objects through a camera, and then display information or virtual objects on the screen. It can also be used in industrial applications, such as remote repair assistance, where the user can see digital instructions overlaid onto the physical object they are working on.
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3D, AR, VR, AI tech

- 3D Panorama: A 3D panorama is a digital image that provides a panoramic view of a location or environment. Unlike a regular panorama, a 3D panorama allows viewers to see the location from different angles and even interact with elements within the image. This technology is often used in virtual tours of real estate properties, museums, and other attractions.

- 3D Video: 3D video is a technology that allows viewers to see a video in three dimensions, giving them the feeling of depth while watching. This is achieved through specialized cameras that capture two images from slightly different angles, mimicking how human eyes work. The two images are then combined to create a 3D video. This technology is used in video games, movies, and other forms of media.

- AI Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are computer systems that are designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, including speech recognition, problem-solving, and decision making. AI technologies are often used in areas such as healthcare, finance, and transportation to automate workflows, reduce human error, and improve productivity. Examples of AI technologies include machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.
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AI, AR, VR, 3D


- 3D Panorama: A 3D panorama is a digital image that provides a panoramic view of a location or environment. Unlike a regular panorama, a 3D panorama allows viewers to see the location from different angles and even interact with elements within the image. This technology is often used in virtual tours of real estate properties, museums, and other attractions.

- 3D Video: 3D video is a technology that allows viewers to see a video in three dimensions, giving them the feeling of depth while watching. This is achieved through specialized cameras that capture two images from slightly different angles, mimicking how human eyes work. The two images are then combined to create a 3D video. This technology is used in video games, movies, and other forms of media.

- Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality is a technology that simulates a three-dimensional environment, usually for entertainment or educational purposes. It provides an immersive experience for users who can interact with the virtual environment through specialized headsets and controllers. VR technology is often used in gaming, training simulations, and therapy.

- Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality is a technology that overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing a user's experience of their environment. AR technology is often used in mobile apps that recognize objects through a camera, and then display information or virtual objects on the screen. It can also be used in industrial applications, such as remote repair assistance, where the user can see digital instructions overlaid onto the physical object they are working on.

- AI Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are computer systems that are designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, including speech recognition, problem-solving, and decision making. AI technologies are often used in areas such as healthcare, finance, and transportation to automate workflows, reduce human error, and improve productivity. Examples of AI technologies include machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.
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E-mail: Info@aitera.top
Web: www.aitera.top

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AI Discussion

E-mail: Info@aitera.top
Web: www.attera.top

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San Marco is the main tourist area of Venice, home to St Mark's Basilica, the Doge's Palace and the Bridge of Sighs. Local streets are often crowded with tourists, so the restaurants around and on St. Mark's Square offer menus in different languages. Eateries, upscale boutiques and shops line the streets nearby.

Address: San Marco
Address: 30100 Venice
Address: Italy

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### Label Label_14F82305_1BED_F1EE_41AD_7A6E6AD00A22.text = 3D, AI, AR, VR digital tech Label_14F82305_1BED_F1EE_41AD_7A6E6AD00A22_mobile.text = 3D, AR, VR, AI tour Label_14FBC305_1BED_F1EE_41B3_DAC14B1EE44E.text = VENICE Label_14FBC305_1BED_F1EE_41B3_DAC14B1EE44E_mobile.text = VENICE ## Media ### Title album_88C95B10_9A93_4413_41C1_D60C40E7220C.label = Venice Virtual Art album_88C95B10_9A93_4413_41C1_D60C40E7220C_1.label = 15 album_88C95B10_9A93_4413_41C1_D60C40E7220C_2.label = 19 album_88C95B10_9A93_4413_41C1_D60C40E7220C_5.label = grid_0 (29) album_88C95B10_9A93_4413_41C1_D60C40E7220C_7.label = grid_0 (26) album_88C95B10_9A93_4413_41C1_D60C40E7220C_8.label = grid_0 (25) album_88C95B10_9A93_4413_41C1_D60C40E7220C_9.label = grid_0 (24) album_91E46AA8_9E0B_910B_41DF_B7D2AE389ED0.label = Venice Virtual Art 2 album_91E46AA8_9E0B_910B_41DF_B7D2AE389ED0_0.label = grid_0 (43) album_91E46AA8_9E0B_910B_41DF_B7D2AE389ED0_1.label = grid_0 (42) album_91E46AA8_9E0B_910B_41DF_B7D2AE389ED0_2.label = grid_0 (41) album_91E46AA8_9E0B_910B_41DF_B7D2AE389ED0_3.label = grid_0 (40) album_91E46AA8_9E0B_910B_41DF_B7D2AE389ED0_4.label = venice02 map_8EF33E4C_9A9D_DC0C_41D1_2165CC73CB88.label = mapveniceart media_914244A8_9DBF_5288_41D7_A1355D62A95D.label = Gondola 3D media_93AA8E74_9DBF_7198_4193_DD36F6A4E51B.label = Venice street 3D panorama_92CB0864_9E1B_B13B_41DB_18AFE22E91E5.label = Panorama San Marco 2 panorama_92CB122D_9E1B_9105_41DA_6BC863FCEAB2.label = Panorama Gondola 2 panorama_92CB4E3E_9E1B_9107_41A7_086441B17C93.label = Panorama San Marco panorama_92CB52D7_9E1B_9105_41DE_26613EBAD929.label = Panorama San Marco 3 panorama_92CBF447_9E1B_9105_41D0_2C948C021F1F.label = Panorama Channel 3 panorama_92CC79A4_9E1A_733B_419E_33B0DDE64F7E.label = Panorama Channel 2 panorama_92CCC74C_9E1B_FF0B_41A7_D9345050A3EE.label = Panorama Gondola panorama_92CCDC9B_9E1B_910D_41DE_50C33F4AD2C5.label = Panorama Gondola 3 panorama_92CCFD17_9E1B_9305_41E2_031655E105FE.label = Panorama Venice panorama_93D42F18_9E1A_8F0B_4195_70AAEFAA520D.label = Panorama Channel photo_8EC02C23_9E0F_913D_41BE_46067F144610.label = grid_0 (28) photo_8EC02C23_9E0F_913D_41BE_46067F144610.label = grid_0 (28) photo_8F3DB7EF_9E0E_9F05_41D7_348CB44C774F.label = grid_0 (42) photo_8F3DB7EF_9E0E_9F05_41D7_348CB44C774F.label = grid_0 (42) video_91504915_9DA4_F398_41BA_7861041822BB.label = Venice Video Evening video_91AAAFF8_9DA4_CE88_41A3_C20A905EE64A.label = Venice Video Morning video_91AB6A9A_9DA4_D688_41E2_CF215B4BC3DB.label = Venice Video San Marco video_91ACC4B7_9DA4_D298_41D2_73DFAAD4B006.label = Venice Video Channel ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_8419CDB7_9E0D_B305_41C0_5A4A6CE2061D.source = https://marediroso.com LinkBehaviour_866912E7_9E36_9106_41E0_FD2E7DC83C90.source = https://marediroso.com/bot/?chat=Leonardo+Veneto LinkBehaviour_881ACE1F_9E3E_B105_41DB_6F10CAFD1B75.source = https://marediroso.com LinkBehaviour_89C1886C_9E0F_910B_41DB_0DE689B1BFF6.source = https://marediroso.com/bot/?chat=Leonardo+Veneto LinkBehaviour_8BC585C1_9E3D_937D_41E2_58D08D15935E.source = https://aitera.top LinkBehaviour_8D6F26F8_9D9F_5A1B_41C2_5B4C390A6EA0.source = https://marediroso.com/bot/ LinkBehaviour_9089AA8A_9E3C_1C23_41DB_33E3604FF4D9.source = https://aitera.shop LinkBehaviour_9139A75C_9E44_3426_41D0_1EE318262A85.source = https://marediroso.com LinkBehaviour_9F5F352A_94B3_9098_41D1_E395C894F005.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_9F5F552A_94B3_9098_41D1_91AE7D47BD66.source = https://marediroso.com/bot/ LinkBehaviour_9F6834EC_94B3_9198_41D4_E820FAF9C71C.source = http://www.aitera.top LinkBehaviour_9F6904EC_94B3_9198_41CE_5F8C6FC5C106.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_D2D57763_C865_C2E7_41BF_1AE4AEFC7AE1.source = https://aitera.site/chat/salva-dor LinkBehaviour_DA0B3CA2_C826_4660_41E8_0FA5ED8072B0.source = https://aitera.top LinkBehaviour_DA2D59E1_C83E_C1E0_41E2_69B12E5F45CD.source = https://aitera.shop LinkBehaviour_DB353FEB_C822_C1E7_41E2_5023E4FAACF3.source = https://mtr.ru/map